Friday, May 29, 2009

Up, Up, Up

Last night at midnight, I went to see Pixar's new masterpiece, Up! Not only was I ridiculously excited to see the new preview for toy story 3, but the movie itself.... SO GOOD! Usually by 1 am I'm yawning left and right, and not able to keep my eyes open, but the movie captivated me. I 'm constantly so impressed by Pixar's story telling ability.

Now the question asked is, "Will you go see it again?" And I will answer, "yes".

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Inspired by the simple things

I was just walking around this empty house and realized how easy inspiration strikes. I wrote a poem, and instantly stuck in my head. so here it is:

What is that blue glowing light in the other room?
Left on TV on last night,
And fell asleep but it wasn't a moment too soon
It all felt so perfect and right.

And now it's is a new day,
new breath,
new phase.
And it's all in the words that you write.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Current obsession


I don't know why, but there is definitely something about being a voyeur. I enjoy people watching out in public, so this is like doing so from the safety of my own couch. I have detected trends in the people computer literate enough to use a webcam...I'm currently in the process of creating a venn diagram for the average stickam user that you might find online at any given time.

McBess is the McBest

One of my favorite artists, McBess, has released a shirt at one of my favorite places, Threadless. The shirt can be viewed in his animation, Woody. Check it out.

What I find most impressive about this animation is the traslation from McBess's intricate and delicate linework into 3-D. The characters are really fun, and the smoothness of animation is second to none. If you're interested in anything McBess I would check out his website. Special thanks to UPSO for making the shirt happen. I'm very excited about it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The first post on a naked blog

I've had this blog for far too long to have not posted anything. Partially because I hadn't decided whether it should be a art blog, a rants and "about me" sort of blog, or a poetry blog. Well today, in my infinite amount of boredom I've accumulated over the past few days, I decided. I decided, why not have the best of at least 2 of the worlds and include inspirational art and works that I've done, as well as poetry that I am inspired to write.

My good Kyle has recently begun to blog and, I figured I might try my hand at it once again, since I've deleted xanga, live journal, and myspace.

So to start off this wonderful journey, a trek into the imagination, filtration, and excretion of my brain, I will