Saturday, December 26, 2009

Creativity Amuck

Been off my routine of waking and working
and been calmed down for a week or so,
Holidays have come and the new year is lurking
and I'm ready again to go, go, go.

I didn't realize how incredible some of my habits were, until I've been stuck at home with nothing to do really. I will miss school, greatly. The working from 9 am to ungodly hours of the night, and I will be in a normal scheduled routine. I start work at Fossil in a week and two days. I'm excited beyond all belief for this opportunity. I cannot wait till I am again able to use my creativity to solve other's problems. My personal projects just seem somewhat unmotivated and empty.

Why do I work this way? I may never know. I want to be busy non-stop, and have evil clients telling me what I did isn't what they want, and to fix it? I dunno, I guess it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

I thank my family, and everyone for all of the support over the past year. I pray that God will have me do his work wherever I go, and that what is has in store for me will only get better and better.

Friday, August 7, 2009


I'm a romantic, and slightly poetic
She said I am nothing and I'm pathetic
I refuse to accept that live alone
it's not my way, not my tone
I've got all this extra love to give
but being desperate is no way to live
So I wont be crawling
nor will I be falling
Back into old routines
of trusting you hurting
instead I'll be flirting
with the idea of opened eyes

Monday, August 3, 2009

Made this today.

Electronic Gladiator 2.0 - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New poem

I'm stacked high, and precariously balanced
I'm like a million grains of sand
I could be blown away or fall over
by just the touch of your hand.
Suspended in animation
I'll forever push forward,
no matter the consequences
or the strength of the chord.

the end.

It's funny how having a broken ankle makes you think a lot. The recovery time definitely helps too. I just don't think it coincidence of the people and relationships that have come and struggled because of this incident. I will treasure everyone and everything that has and will come into my life.

To those of you that may read this....thank you. To those of you that won't....thank you. To those that have cared less, or more, to those who feel I haven't been all I can or found me to be a better friend than you could ever be, know that life has a funny way of making it all happen for the strangest reasons.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Imogen Heap started me on a tear.

She tweeted this video this morning.

and since I've only been looking for videos that are all edits and came across as a result. Video flash editing is a wonderful invention.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The neverminds

I'm a chemical poet
with thoughts that don't change my face
but my life is in a constant phase shift
I know the changes are for the better
but this solid reaction
has me liquid and going with the flow

Friday, July 17, 2009

Finally another post

After a break in time and of my ankle. I'm back.

Here's a little diddy I cooked up today.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Up, Up, Up

Last night at midnight, I went to see Pixar's new masterpiece, Up! Not only was I ridiculously excited to see the new preview for toy story 3, but the movie itself.... SO GOOD! Usually by 1 am I'm yawning left and right, and not able to keep my eyes open, but the movie captivated me. I 'm constantly so impressed by Pixar's story telling ability.

Now the question asked is, "Will you go see it again?" And I will answer, "yes".

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Inspired by the simple things

I was just walking around this empty house and realized how easy inspiration strikes. I wrote a poem, and instantly stuck in my head. so here it is:

What is that blue glowing light in the other room?
Left on TV on last night,
And fell asleep but it wasn't a moment too soon
It all felt so perfect and right.

And now it's is a new day,
new breath,
new phase.
And it's all in the words that you write.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Current obsession


I don't know why, but there is definitely something about being a voyeur. I enjoy people watching out in public, so this is like doing so from the safety of my own couch. I have detected trends in the people computer literate enough to use a webcam...I'm currently in the process of creating a venn diagram for the average stickam user that you might find online at any given time.

McBess is the McBest

One of my favorite artists, McBess, has released a shirt at one of my favorite places, Threadless. The shirt can be viewed in his animation, Woody. Check it out.

What I find most impressive about this animation is the traslation from McBess's intricate and delicate linework into 3-D. The characters are really fun, and the smoothness of animation is second to none. If you're interested in anything McBess I would check out his website. Special thanks to UPSO for making the shirt happen. I'm very excited about it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The first post on a naked blog

I've had this blog for far too long to have not posted anything. Partially because I hadn't decided whether it should be a art blog, a rants and "about me" sort of blog, or a poetry blog. Well today, in my infinite amount of boredom I've accumulated over the past few days, I decided. I decided, why not have the best of at least 2 of the worlds and include inspirational art and works that I've done, as well as poetry that I am inspired to write.

My good Kyle has recently begun to blog and, I figured I might try my hand at it once again, since I've deleted xanga, live journal, and myspace.

So to start off this wonderful journey, a trek into the imagination, filtration, and excretion of my brain, I will