Saturday, August 1, 2009

New poem

I'm stacked high, and precariously balanced
I'm like a million grains of sand
I could be blown away or fall over
by just the touch of your hand.
Suspended in animation
I'll forever push forward,
no matter the consequences
or the strength of the chord.

the end.

It's funny how having a broken ankle makes you think a lot. The recovery time definitely helps too. I just don't think it coincidence of the people and relationships that have come and struggled because of this incident. I will treasure everyone and everything that has and will come into my life.

To those of you that may read this....thank you. To those of you that won't....thank you. To those that have cared less, or more, to those who feel I haven't been all I can or found me to be a better friend than you could ever be, know that life has a funny way of making it all happen for the strangest reasons.

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